Our Approach
Our Christian Approach to Counseling
Our counseling provides the opportunity for growth and self-discovery in the context of a safe supportive and therapeutic relationship. Our counselors integrate proven psychological principles with a biblical worldview to offer hope and healing to our clients. This also means we use an eclectic approach, based on our client’s needs, attributes, resources, and situations.
Through our approach we use theories and techniques from several models of intervention, rather than simply relying on one, and we also incorporate a Biblical approach to problem solving. This means we view client complexities through the lens of the Bible and the Christian faith.

Finally, at TCC we believe and trust that God is the One who has the ultimate power to heal. We see ourselves as therapist vessels whom God often uses to bring forth hope and healing to our clients. That being said, we will always meet a client where they are spiritually, and religion is never imposed on a client by any staff member, nor is anyone denied service based on their religious beliefs.