Parent’s Corner
Train up a child in the way the he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
– Proverbs 22:6
Resources for Parent's of Teens
Trinity Christian Counseling seeks to help parents ignite a healthy relationship and maintain a lasting connection with their teens. Please check out the below list of resources, which we hand-picked just for YOU!
A great resource that helps families thrive!
Author: Myles Munroe
Author: John Townsend
Parenting Teens with Love and Logic
Author: Cline and Fay
Five Love Languages of Teenagers
Author: Gary Chapman
The Power of a Praying Parent
Author: Stormie Omartian
The Talks: A Parent’s Guide to Critical Conversations about Sex, Dating, and Other Unmentionables
Author: Barrent and Jennifer Johnson
Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood
Author: Lisa Damour, PhD
Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World
Author: Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane
tips for parents
If your teenager wants to come in your room and relax on your bed, let them! They are looking for some bonding time. They might not tell you, but you are their SAFE SPACE. They may want to talk about their day, need help with a problem, or just need the comfort of your presence.
tips for parents
You are not supposed to be afraid of your children. Your children should fear you and God, meaning they respect you and God as the authority in their lives. God entrusts your children to you to LOVE, TEACH, and GUIDE, so they can grow up to be productive citizens of society. When you let your children rule over you, they will not learn to listen to and respect any other adult either.
tips for parents
Open up your home to your child’s friends. Be the place they want to come and hang out. This gives you an opportunity to know your own child better, to get to know your child’s friends and gives you security in knowing where they are and the kind of company they are keeping. Be a fun, inviting, safe space for your child and his or her friends.
tips for parents
Listen and be attentive to your child. They are seeking your undivided attention when they come to you. Listen with understanding, and don’t rush to “fix” the problem. Do more than hear and offer advice. Listen with empathy.
tips for parents
Instead of focusing on negative behaviors, catch your child doing something right. Whenever your child does something good, acknowledge them and tell them how much you appreciate what they have done. In Proverbs 3:27 God says “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
tips for parents
Make a concerted effort to show interest in the things your child is interested in. Support him or her in their passion. This teaches your child that you are always there to support and back him up. Criticizing your child by saying things like, “Aren’t you too old for that?” or “I don’t know why you like this so much” communicates the complete opposite.
tips for parents
One particular area of which every parent should be aware is how to address negative behaviors. Do not focus too much on the behavior itself. The focus is on the motivation behind the negative behavior. A good question to ask is, “Why would you behave that way?” Never equate the behavior with the child. If you want to get to the heart of the behavior, seek the heart of the child.
tips for parents
As parents, it is our job to help shape our children’s value structure. This can only be done by having conversations with our children about our values and how we use them to make decisions, as well as modeling the family’s value structure in our everyday lives. As a parent, have you thought about what values you want to pass on to your kids, and do your actions support those values?
tips for parents
Rules without relationship lead to rebellion. Be just as dedicated to investing in your relationship with your kids as you are in enforcing the rules of the house.
tips for parents
Want better communication in your family? Try Family Meetings. This time can be used to find out what’s going on in your children’s physical, emotional and spiritual lives, or just to spend time together or plan a family vacation. Let them know that Family Meetings are a safe and fun way to express themselves.
Trinity Christian Counseling is here to meet all your child and teen counseling needs, and we help families too! Click the ‘Get Started’ or ‘Contact Us’ links to get started.