Trinity Christian Counseling Celebrates 10 Years!

Wow! TEN years old! It is mind-boggling what God has done in
these last 10 years. He is so good and faithful, and we are so very
Trinity Christian Counseling evolved out of a heart and passion,
originally, to help pregnant teenagers to experience redemption,
restoration, and healing and for their children to have a better
quality of life. Trinity also finds its roots in helping counsel
women and girls suffering from low self-esteem. In 2010, Tonya
felt a call from God to DO SOMETHING, and in obedience,
Trinity Christian Counseling was born.
Over the last ten years, Trinity has served approximately 2,800
clients and has conducted approximately 22,500 individual
and/or family sessions to date. INCREDIBLE! We now serve
children, teens, women, men, pastors, teachers, families, married
couples, and soon-to-be-married couples. We offer hope and
healing to those who are struggling with depression and anxiety,
self-esteem and identity issues, post-abortion recovery, PTSD,
sexual abuse, sexual addictions, women's issues, blended families,
marital struggles, anger, life transitions, parenting issues,
spiritual development, loss, and grief.
We started with one tiny little office and one counselor in 2010
and now have two offices and six counselors on staff. We are so
thankful for growth because it means God is moving in incredible
ways to bring MORE hope and MORE healing to those in the
Triad area. What a privilege that He would see fit to use the US in his
amazing redemption stories! We are so thankful for our amazing
six counselors who are working to meet the growing need for
emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual HEALING for our
As we grow and God pours into us, we are honored to be able to
pour out to our community and world. We have worked to
minimize teen pregnancy and abortion and walk alongside teen
moms through our support of Salem Pregnancy Care Center. We
have supported efforts to eradicate sex trafficking through a
ministry called Rahab's Hope. We have the privilege of sponsoring

two beautiful children, Issa and Sebastian, through Compassion
International. We have helped to spread the Gospel of Jesus
Christ and provide humanitarian aid to underserved communities
through local, national, and global missions including Hand of
Hope, World Vision, InTouch Ministries, and Samaritan's Purse.
We thank YOU too, of course, for trusting us on your journey to
wholeness in Christ, and so appreciate your recommendations
and spreading the word that we’re here and we can help! We can’t
thank you enough for these last 10 years of support and can’t wait
to see how God continues to use Trinity in the future! Thank you
for being with us on this incredible journey.
Tonya and the whole Trinity Christian Counseling Team
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap
generously… And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in
all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound
in every good work. – 2 Corinthians 9:6,8


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Thank you from the Trinity team!